Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is Charlie Sheen Facing Discrimination?

Like many of you, I feel we've heard more than enough from and about Charlie Sheen. But, if you will, please indulge me with one more perspective.

I am neither a lawyer nor a psychiatrist, and I guarantee you I would never be mistaken for one of his goddesses. The perspective I'm going to put forth is not fact, but rather a series of possibilities that are worth considering. My interest isn't just in this one person, but in how we look at similar situations in others.

So, for the purpose of this exercise, let's start by supposing this is not Charlie Sheen, but rather a stage hand on the set. There would be a lot less publicity but we would be able to see the issues more clearly.

When Charlie was charged with assault, which I believe is a felony, his employer continued his employment. There was concern about what would happen to the show if he were sent to jail, but there was no talk of firing him. The criminal charge did not bother his employer as much as his potential absence from work.

When Charlie was actively doing drugs, he was not fired. No employer needs to tolerate active illegal drug use, but his did.

Later, when Charlie was ranting on television, apparently quite delusional, he was fired.

Again, I am not a psychiatrist -- I don't even play one on television -- but this man certainly appears to be ill. It's even possible that his mental illness has led him to self medicate with illegal drugs. This is not uncommon.

So, what do you think? Fire him or treat him with compassion? Is this a case of discrimination covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act? Should his employer, who did not fire him for other bad boy behavior, fire him now? If you took away the fame and viewed him as an employee of any large corporation, is he being discriminated against for mental health issues?

Annette Bourbonniere
Fax:  401-846-1944
Twitter:  @AccessInclude

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